About Us

Fast and secure cutting edge solutions.

Understanding there are a number of complicated interface frameworks and specifications in the market we provide a fast, reliable, and secure solution using either open source platforms such as Mirth Connect or Rhapsody or build on top of your custom application to meet your interfacing needs. Interface development to meet standardized HL7, NCPDP, DICOM, EDI/X12 or IHE specifications including leading technologies such as FHIR, XDS.b, XCA, and PIX/PDQ and implementation that includes custom ground up solutions that allow us to troubleshoot your interfacing needs with industry leading libraries and frameworks.


Professional and certified software developers.

As opposed to other consulting companies on the market our company is run by degreed and certified software engineers. Too often in the healthcare industry solutions are implemented by developers with no prior experience and education. As opposed to those companies our developers are both degreed and certified for the software they're developing and the solutions they're implementing. Don't let your hospital or HIE suffer with non-reliable and unsecure connections. Hire the professionals to do it right!